Everything can be taken from a (person) but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

– Viktor E. Frankl

Welcome to Black Sheep Trauma and Recovery.

We take pride in being a little different.

This reflects one of Black Sheep’s core values: authenticity. Here, being a black sheep is celebrated. It’s the, “normal,” people you have to watch.


Contact Us

125 E Monroe St
Thomasville, GA 31792

(404) 860-2111

Areas of Practice

Trauma and PTSD


Trauma therapy is a specialized and evolving field. It’s not something a therapist should simply add to the list of issues they work with. I am, at heart, a trauma therapist. Every day, I work with survivors of abuse, neglect, and dysfunction. Co-occurring personality, mood, impulse control, substance abuse, and dissociative disorders are common, and understandable, given the context. Even if it’s not me, you want a trauma therapist who understands how multiple issues work together.

I’ve worked with survivors of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, domestic and intimate partner violence, combat and 911 response related PTSD and stress, and both single event and complex trauma.

If a criminal case has been filed against a perpetrator, you may be eligible for the Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Program which can help cover the cost of therapy and other expenses. Follow the link to learn more or give me a call and I can provide the contact information for the local victim’s advocate.

Substance Abuse


I’m not a fan of the disease model. We’ve swung from one pole that judged people as, “bad,” to the opposite pole of having a chronic, progressive, incurable, relapsing disease. I was a drug addict and alcoholic for 25 years. I’d rather believe I was a bad person than accept the idea that I have an incurable disease that I have to struggle against for the rest of my life. There is a middle ground. I believe that all people, regardless of the issue they struggle with, have good reasons for the things they do. No one persists in an obviously destructive behavior without a good reason for doing so. The reason may not be immediately obvious, but it’s there. Substance abuse is the symptom, and the false solution, to this problem. Our goal is to find the real problem, the reason for the chaos. At Black Sheep, we take practical steps to begin reducing the impact of substances, but the majority of the work is in getting to the root of the true problem.


Get in Touch

Feel free to email or call with any questions or to schedule an appointment.