I’m not a fan of the disease model. We’ve swung from one pole that judged people as, “bad,” to the opposite pole of having a chronic, progressive, incurable, relapsing disease. I was a drug addict and alcoholic for 25 years. I’d rather believe I was a bad person than accept the idea that I have an incurable disease that I have to struggle against for the rest of my life. There is a middle ground. I believe that all people, regardless of the issue they struggle with, have good reasons for the things they do. No one persists in an obviously destructive behavior without a good reason for doing so. The reason may not be immediately obvious, but it’s there. Substance abuse is the symptom, and the false solution, to this problem. Our goal is to find the real problem, the reason for the chaos. At Black Sheep, we take practical steps to begin reducing the impact of substances, but the majority of the work is in getting to the root of the true problem.